quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015

custom validation in codeigniter for username using callback function

custom validation in codeigniter for username using callback function

custom validation in codeigniter using callback function is easy way to validate input field on form dynamically. We can add custom validation to any input field before insertion in DB. CodeIgniter provide all basic validation with its form_validation class like required, numeric, min_length, max_length, alpha, alpha_numeric etc.
But If we want to add our custom validation for any particular field (mainly for the checking username availability). we can use its callback technique.
Example :
Here $username is passed automatically to check_username function, we can use our custom rules over here to validate it.
Along with CodeIgniters basic validations you can use your custom conditions (like regular expressions) for a validation on any input field. you can also use regular expression to validate it in your way

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015

How to: Grant User Access to a Report Server (Report Manager)

How to: Grant User Access to a Report Server (Report Manager)

SQL Server 2008 R2
13 out of 19 rated this helpful - Rate this topic
Reporting Services uses role-based security to grant user access to a report server. On a new report server installation, only users who are members of the local Administrators group have permissions to report server content and operations. To make the report server available to other users, you must create role assignments that map  user or group accounts to a predefined role that specifies a collection of tasks.
For a report server that is configured for native mode, use Report Manager to assign users to a role. There are two types of roles:
  • Item-level roles are used to view, add, and manage report server content, subscriptions, report processing, and report history. Item-level role assignments are defined on the root node (the Home folder) or on specific folders or items farther down the hierarchy.
  • System-level roles grant access to site-wide operations that are not bound to any specific item. Examples include using Report Builder and using shared schedules.
    The two types of roles complement each other and should be used together. For this reason, adding a user to a report server is a two-part operation. If you assign a user to an item-level role, you should also assign them to a system-level role. When assigning a user to a role, you must select a role that is already defined. To create, modify, or delete roles, use SQL Server Management Studio. For more information, see How to: Create, Delete, or Modify a Role (Management Studio).
For a report server that is configured for SharePoint integrated mode, you configure access from a SharePoint site using SharePoint permissions. Permission levels on the SharePoint site determine access to report server content and operations. You must be a site administrator to grant permissions on a SharePoint site. For more information, see Granting Permissions on Report Server Items on a SharePoint Site.

Review the following list before adding users to a native mode report server.
  • You must be a member of the local Administrators group on the report server computer. If you are deploying Reporting Services on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, additional configuration is required before you can administer a report server locally. For more information, see How to: Configure a Report Server for Local Administration on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 (UAC).
  • To delegate this task to other users, create role assignments that map user accounts to Content Manager and System Administrator roles. Users who have Content Manager and System Administrator permissions can add users to a report server.
  • In SQL Server Management Studio, view the predefined roles for System Roles and User Roles so that you are familiar with the kinds of tasks in each role. Task descriptions are not visible in Report Manager, so you will want to be familiar with the roles before you begin adding users.
  • Optionally, customize the roles or define additional roles to include the collection of tasks that you require. For example, if you plan to use custom security settings for individual items, you might want to create a new role definition that grants view-access to folders. For more information, see Tutorial: Setting Permissions in Reporting Services.

To add a user or group to a system role

  1. Start Report Manager.
  2. Click Site Settings.
  3. Click Security.
  4. Click New Role Assignment.
  5. In Group or user name, enter a Windows domain user or group account in this format: <domain>\<account>. If you are using forms authentication or custom security, specify the user or group account in the format that is correct for your deployment.
  6. Select a system role, and then click OK.
    Roles are cumulative, so if you select both System Administrator and System User, a user or group will be able to perform the tasks in both roles.
  7. Repeat to create assignments for additional users or groups.

To add a user or group to an item role

  1. Start Report Manager and locate the report item for which you want to add a user or group.
  2. Hover over the item, and click the drop-down arrow.
  3. In the drop-down menu, click Security.
  4. Click New Role Assignment.
    If an item currently inherits security from a parent item, click Edit Item Security in the toolbar to change the security settings. Then click New Role Assignment.
  5. In Group or user name, enter a Windows domain user or group account in this format: <domain>\<account>. If you are using forms authentication or custom security, specify the user or group account in the format that is correct for your deployment.
  6. Select one or more role definitions that describe how the user or group should access the item, and then click OK.
  7. Repeat to create assignments for additional users or groups.

sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2015

JavaScript - Como validar CPF

function TestaCPF(strCPF) {
    var Soma;
    var Resto;
    Soma = 0;
 if (strCPF == "00000000000") return false;
 for (i=1; i<=9; i++) Soma = Soma + parseInt(strCPF.substring(i-1, i)) * (11 - i);
 Resto = (Soma * 10) % 11;
    if ((Resto == 10) || (Resto == 11))  Resto = 0;
    if (Resto != parseInt(strCPF.substring(9, 10)) ) return false;
 Soma = 0;
    for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) Soma = Soma + parseInt(strCPF.substring(i-1, i)) * (12 - i);
    Resto = (Soma * 10) % 11;
    if ((Resto == 10) || (Resto == 11))  Resto = 0;
    if (Resto != parseInt(strCPF.substring(10, 11) ) ) return false;
    return true;
var strCPF = "12345678909";

quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015

BootStrap - How change Navbar colour

Available navbars

You've got two basic navbars :
<!-- A light one -->
<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation"></nav>
<!-- A dark one -->
<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse" role="navigation"></nav>

Default color usage

Here are the main colors and their usage :
  • #F8F8F8 : navbar background
  • #E7E7E7 : navbar border
  • #777 : default color
  • #333 : hover color (#5E5E5E for .nav-brand)
  • #555 : active color
  • #D5D5D5 : active background

Default style

If you want to put some custom style, here's the CSS you need to change :
/* navbar */
.navbar-default {
    background-color: #F8F8F8;
    border-color: #E7E7E7;
/* title */
.navbar-default .navbar-brand {
    color: #777;
.navbar-default .navbar-brand:hover,
.navbar-default .navbar-brand:focus {
    color: #5E5E5E;
/* link */
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a {
    color: #777;
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:hover,
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:focus {
    color: #333;
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a, 
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:hover, 
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {
    color: #555;
    background-color: #E7E7E7;
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a, 
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, 
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {
    color: #555;
    background-color: #D5D5D5;
/* caret */
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .dropdown > a .caret {
    border-top-color: #777;
    border-bottom-color: #777;
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .dropdown > a:hover .caret,
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .dropdown > a:focus .caret {
    border-top-color: #333;
    border-bottom-color: #333;
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a .caret, 
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover .caret, 
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus .caret {
    border-top-color: #555;
    border-bottom-color: #555;
/* mobile version */
.navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
    border-color: #DDD;
.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover,
.navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
    background-color: #DDD;
.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
    background-color: #CCC;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
    .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
        color: #777;
    .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
    .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
        color: #333;

Custom colored navbar examples

Here are 4 examples of custom colored navbar :
JSFiddle link
enter image description here
And the SCSS code :
$bgDefault      : #e74c3c;
$bgHighlight    : #c0392b;
$colDefault     : #ecf0f1;
$colHighlight       : #ffbbbc;
.navbar-default {
  background-color: $bgDefault;
  border-color: $bgHighlight;
  .navbar-brand {
    color: $colDefault;
    &:hover, &:focus { 
      color: $colHighlight; }}
  .navbar-text {
    color: $colDefault; }
  .navbar-nav {
    > li {
      > a {
        color: $colDefault;
        &:hover,  &:focus {
          color: $colHighlight; }}}
    > .active {
      > a, > a:hover, > a:focus {
        color: $colHighlight;
        background-color: $bgHighlight; }}
    > .open {
      > a, > a:hover, > a:focus {
        color: $colHighlight;
        background-color: $bgHighlight; }}}
  .navbar-toggle {
    border-color: $bgHighlight;
    &:hover, &:focus {
      background-color: $bgHighlight; }
    .icon-bar {
      background-color: $colDefault; }}
  .navbar-form {
    border-color: $colDefault; }
  .navbar-link {
    color: $colDefault;
    &:hover {
      color: $colHighlight; }}}
@media (max-width: 767px) {
  .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu {
    > li > a {
      color: $colDefault;
      &:hover, &:focus {
        color: $colHighlight; }}
    > .active {
      > a, > a:hover, > a:focus, {
        color: $colHighlight;
        background-color: $bgHighlight; }}}

segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2015

Anti-Spam by CleanTalk

No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math and no spam bots.

Anti-spam features

  1. Stops spam comments.
  2. Stops spam registrations.
  3. Stops spam contact emails.
  4. Stops spam orders.
  5. Stops spam bookings.
  6. Stops spam subscriptions.
  7. Stops spam in widgets.
  8. Check existing comments for spam.

Public reviews

Using on WPLift was a great test as we receive huge amounts of spam. Oliver Dale. WPLift.com.

Comments spam protection

Supports native WordPress, JetPack comments and any other comments plugins. Plugin moves spam comments to SPAM folder or set option to silent ban spam comments.

Spam bots registrations filter

Filers spam bots on registrations forms WordPress, BuddyPress, bbPress, S2Member, WooCommerce and any other registrations plugins.

Protection against contact forms spam

Plugin is tested and ready to protect against spam emails via Formidable forms, Contact form 7, JetPack Contact form, Fast Secure Contact form, Ninja forms, Landing pages, Gravity forms and any themes/custom contact forms.

WooCommerce spam filter

Anti-spam by CleanTalk filters spam registrations and spam reviews for WooCommerce. Plugin is fully compatible with WooCommerce 2.1 and upper.

Newsletters filter

Anti-spam by CleanTalk filters spam subsciptions for MailPoet and many other newsletters plugins.

Spam filter for themes contact forms

Plugin blocks spam emails via any themes (built-in) contact forms. With AJAX forms plugin silent (without any error notices on WordPress frontend) filters spam emails.

Other spam filters

  • WordPress Landing Pages.
  • WP User Frontend.
  • Any WordPress form (option 'Custom contact forms'). 

Compatible with WordPress cache plugins

  • W3 Total Cache, Quick Cache, WP Fastest Cache, Hyper Cache, WP Super cache and any other cache plugins.

Check existing comments for spam. Bulk comments removal

With the help of anti-spam by CleanTalk you can check existing comments, to find and quickly delete spam comments at once. For use this function, go to WP Console->Comments->Find spam comments.

Check existing users for spam. Bulk accounts removal

With the help of anti-spam by CleanTalk you can check existing comments, to find and quickly delete spam users at once. For use this function, go to WP Console->Users->Check for spam.

Low false/positive rate

This plugin uses multiple anti-spam tests to filter spam bots with lower false/positive rate as possible. Multiple anti-spam tests avoid false/positive blocks for real website visitors even if one of the tests failed.

Spam attacks log

Service CleanTalk (this plugin is a client application for CleanTalk anti-spam service) records all filtered comments, registration and other spam attacks in the "Log of spam attacks" and stores the data in the log up to 45 days. Using the log, you can ensure reliable protection of your website from spam and no false/positive filtering.

Spam FireWall

CleanTalk has got an advanced option "Spam FireWall", this option allows blocking the most active spam bots before they get access to web site. It prevents loading of pages of the web site by spam bots, so your web server doesn't need perform all scripts on these pages. Also it prevents scanning of pages of the web site spam bots. Therefore Spam FireWall significantly can reduce the load on your web server.
Spam FireWall also makes CleanTalk the two-step protection from spam bots. Spam FireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spam bots, CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and it checks all other requests on the web site in the moment before submit comments/registers and etc.

How Spam FireWall works?

  • The visitor enters to your web site.
  • HTTP request data is checked of the nearly 5,8 million of certain IP spam bots.
  • If it is an active spam bot, it gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then it gets a site page. This is completely transparent to the visitors.
All the CleanTalk Spam FireWall activity is being logged in the process of filtering. The logs will be available for viewing in CleanTalk Dashboard since 10/15/2015.

Spam FireWall DDos Protection (Experimentally option)

Spam FireWall can mitigate HTTP/HTTPS DDoS attacks. When an intruder makes GET requests to attack your website. Spam FireWall blocks all requests from bad IP addresses. Your website givies infringer a special page with description of DDoS rejection instead of the website pages. Therefore Spam FireWall can help to reduce of CPU usage on your server.

XML-RPC brute force protection

Spam FireWall can mitigate XML-RPS brute force attacks. It blocks XML-RPS attacks from bad IP addresses. That helps to prevent bruteforce attacks by a Remote Procedure Call.

No spam comments, no spam registrations, no spam contact emails, no spam trackbacks. CAPTCHA less anti-spam for WordPress

Spam is one of the most irritating factors. Spam become every year more and conventional anti-spam can no longer handle all the spam bots. CleanTalk prevents spam and automatically blocks it. You'll be surprised of effective protection against spam.

Anti-spam plugin info

CleanTalk is an anti-spam solution all in 1 for WordPress that protects login, comments, contact and WooCommerce forms all at once. You don't need to install separate anti-spam plugins for each form. This allows your blog to work faster and save resources. After installation you will forget about spam, CleanTalk plugin will do all the work. You won't have to deal with spam, CleanTalk will do this for you automatically.
CleanTalk is a transparent anti-spam tool, we provide detailed statistics of all entering comments and logins. You can always be sure that there are no errors. We have developed a mobile app for you to see anti-spam statistics wherever.
We have developed antispam for WordPress that would provide maximum protection from spam bots and you can provide for your visitors a simple and convenient form of comments/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. Used to detect spam multistage test that allows us to block up to 99.998% of spam bots.
The anti-spam method offered by CleanTalk allows to switch from the methods that trouble the communication (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.) to a more convenient one.
CleanTalk is premium anti-spam service for WordPress, please look at the pricing. The plugin works with cloud anti spam service CleanTalk. We try to provide anti-spam service at the highest level and we can not afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of providing anti-spam protection. Paying for a year of anti-spam service, you save a lot more and get:
  • Up to 99.998% protection against spam bots.
  • Time and resources saving.
  • More registrations/comments/visitors.
  • Protect several websites at once at different CMS.
  • Easy to install and use.
  • Traffic acquisition and user loyalty.
  • 24/7 technical support.
  • Clear statistics.
  • No captcha (reCaptcha), puzzles, etc.
  • Free mobile app to control anti-spam function at your website.

Additional features

  • Online, daily and weekly anti-spam reports traffic VS spam.
  • Apps for iPhone, Android to control anti-spam service, comments, signups, contacts. With traffic and spam statistics for last 7 days.
  • Anti-spam apps for most popular CMS on cleantalk.org.

How to protect sites from spam bots without CAPTCHA?

The most popular method is CAPTCHA - the annoying picture with curved and sloping symbols, which are offered to the visitor to fill in. It is supposed that spam bots won't discern these CAPTCHA, but a visitor will. CAPTCHA provokes great irritation, but if one wants to speak out, he has to fill in these symbols time after time, making mistakes and starting once again. Sometimes CAPTCHA reminds doodle 2x year old child. For users with vision problems captcha is just an insurmountable obstacle. Users hate captcha. Captcha for users means "hate". Unreadable CAPTCHA stops about 80% of site visitors. After 2 failed attempts to bring it up to 95% reject further attempts. At the sight of CAPTCHA and after input errors, many visitors leave the resource. Thus, CAPTCHA helps to protect the resource both from bots and visitors. CAPTCHA is not a panacea from spam. Doubts Concerning the Need for CAPTCHA?

Stop Spammers Spam Prevention

Stop Spammers Spam Prevention

Aggressive anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam and registration spam. Protects against malicious attacks.
Stop Spammers is an aggressive website spam defence against comment spam and login attempts. It is capable of performing more than 20 different checks for spam and malicious events and can block spam from over 100 different countries.
There are 12 pages of options that can be used to configure the plugin to your needs.
In cases where spam is detected, users are offered a second chance to post their comments or login. Denied requests are presented with a captcha screen in order to prevent users from being blocked. The captcha can be configures as OpenCaptcha, Google reCaptcha, or SolveMedia Captcha. The Captcha will only appear when a user is denied access as a spammer.
The plugin is designed to work with other plugins like Gravity Forms. It looks at any FORM POST such as BBPress or other addons that use access controls. THe plugin implements a fuzzy search for email and user ids in order to check for spam.
There are free add-ons available that check some special cases.
The Stop Spammers Plugin has been under development since 2010.

How to Stop Spam Registrations on your WordPress Membership Site

How to Stop Spam Registrations on your WordPress Membership Site


 For most blogs, comment spam is the biggest issue they have to deal with. This is why you will find numerous articles floating around the web on how to combat comment spam in WordPress. Rarely do you find anything about preventing spam registration in WordPress. For sites with free membership options, spam registrations can become a major problem. In this article, we will show you how to stop spam registrations on your WordPress membership site.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Stop Spammer Registrations plugin. Once activated, Go to Settings » Stop Spammers. This is the plugin’s configuration page.
Stop Spam Registrations Options
Stop Spammer Registrations is a powerful WordPress plugin which aggressively monitors your website for suspicious spam activity. Before saving the settings, press the “Test IP” button to check that your IP is clean and white-listed. After that review the settings below.
Spam registration IP settings
The plugin monitors your website using a combination of anti-spam techniques. It uses Stop Forum Spam’s database to check IP addresses of users on your site. It is a huge database which is actively maintained by collecting data from thousands of sites from around the globe. This is a quick way to catch a spamming IP or email address. It also uses the Honeypot API, Botscout API, and WordPress API. The WordPress API key is the same key you used with Akismet. Whether or not you are using Akismet, you can still use the WordPress API with this plugin.
Enter API Keys for Spam Monitoring Databases
If you feel that plugin is being too aggressive on users, then you have the option to selectively choose the events where you would like the plugin to check for suspicious activity:
Select events to check
There is a small chance that sometimes this plugin would lock you out of your own site. If this happens the simplest solution is to connect to your site through FTP and rename the plugin file from stop-spammer-registrations.php to stop-spammer-registrations.locked. Access wp-admin and WordPress will automatically deactivate the plugin for you.
WordPress is a great tool to build online communities, do not let the spammers stop you from creating and building your sites. On our videos site, we are using Sucuri which takes care of this and much more. Here are 5 reasons why we use Sucuri to improve our site security.


quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2015

Usuários fazem petição online após mudanças da Microsoft no OneDrive

Com mais de 4 mil assinaturas, abaixo-assinado pede que empresa de Redmond volte atrás em alterações no seu serviço de armazenamento na nuvem.
A irritação dos usuários do OneDrive foi além dos comentários pela web e ganhou força na forma de uma petição online pedindo para a Microsoft repensar sua decisão de reduzir em 83% o armazenamento gratuito.
No site de abaixo-assinados Change.org, uma carta aberta para a equipe do OneDrive pede por mudanças. “As mais recentes alterações aos planos de armazenamento trouxeram muita preocupação à comunidade OneDrive e Windows. Descontinuar a opção de armazenamento ilimitado sob alegação de uso abusivo é algo justo, mas por que estender a punição para todos os consumidores?”.
Até o fechamento da reportagem, a petição já tinha coletado mais de 4.600 assinaturas, o que a deixa muito próxima de atingir o objetivo de 5 mil assinaturas.
O abaixo assinado pede pela restauração dos agora extintos planos de 100GB e 200GB, que a Microsoft disse que seriam eliminados em troca de um novo de 50GB, e que o limite para os assinantes do Office 365 seja 2TB, o dobro do novo de 1TB.
Nesta semana, a Microsoft também anunciou que vai baixar o espaço gratuito do OneDrive de 15GB (o mesmo do Google Drive) para 5GB (o mesmo do iCloud, da Apple) no início de 2016.
Além disso, a empresa vai acabar com o “rolo de câmera” de 15GB, que a Microsoft liberou em setembro de 2014 para os donos de smartphones que ativaram a opção de upload automático para as suas fotografias.
Apesar de muita da atenção dada ao caso ter sido por conta do fim do armazenamento ilimitado no OneDrive para os assinantes do Office 365, a maioria dos comentários no abaixo-assinado destacam a redução do armazenamento gratuito e o fim espaço extra para armazenar fotos na nuvem.

Fonte: IDG

Top 10 Email Clients

Top 10 Email Clients

October 2015

These stats are provided to show global trends in email client usage. When making decisions about optimizing for your own audience, you should check your own stats. What does your top 10 look like?

1. iPhone 26.1%
2. Outlook 22.6%
3. iPad 17.3%
4. Gmail 11.1%
5. Android 7.8%
6. Apple Mail 3.5%
7. Hotmail 3.1%
8. Yahoo Mail! 2.5%
9. Windows Live Mail 1.8%
10. AOL 1.9%

This top 10 is based on data gathered by Adestra from MessageFocus campaigns sent worldwide. These statistics are updated each month, the current period is 1st October — 31th October 2015.
Due to automatic image blocking some email clients or devices may be over- or under-represented. This is presented as a global summary. Individual audiences, segments and demographics will be different.
This data may be reproduced, but please reference the source and link to adestra.com/top10.
Mobile / Desktop / Webmail Split

light-green Mobile 52%

dark-green Desktop 29%

dark-grey Webmail 19%


 Source: adestra.com

terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2015

8 configurações do Windows 10 que você deveria mudar

8 configurações do Windows 10 que você deveria mudar

Mesmo que o Windows 10 seja um ótimo sistema operacional e já tenha conquistado milhões de usuários ao redor do mundo, há certas coisas que poderiam melhorar. Não são coisas tão graves, mas certas mudanças nas configurações do Windows 10 já garantem uma experiência bem melhor a qualquer usuário.
Caso já tenha instalado o novo sistema da Microsoft e estiver curioso para saber o que pode ser feito no seu computador, é só conferir nossas 8 dicas de como ajustar o Windows 10 de maneira eficiente e rápida!

1. Melhore sua privacidade

configurações do Windows 10O Windows 10 já bem conhecido por ter configurações de segurança e privacidade bem invasivas, mas isso pode ser amenizado de certa forma. Para impedir que o sistema fique monitorando tudo o que você faz, escreve, sites que acessa e até onde está, será necessário arrumar algumas das configurações padrão do Windows 10.
Para começar, vá no Menu Iniciar e clique em configurações. Selecione “Privacidade” na nova janela que aparecer e você deverá ver diversas opções ativadas por padrão. Não podemos recomendar exatamente o que você deve desativar, já que isso é muito pessoal e depende do que você quer usar em seu computador.
A dica que podemos dar é que dê uma lida no que cada opção faz (como enviar seus dados à Microsoft) e desativar aquilo que considerar invasivo demais para o seu uso.

2. Deixe o navegador Edge menos invasivo

Como já sabemos muito bem, o Edge (novo navegador desenvolvido pela Microsoft) é extremamente eficiente, rápido e fácil de mexer. O problema é que assim como muitas outras configurações do Windows 10, o navegador pode ser um pouco invasivo em relação à privacidade de seus usuários.
Por padrão, ele pode enviar seus dados de navegação para a Microsoft, sob desculpa de que isso melhoraria sua experiência no futuro e para te proteger de vírus. Caso você não queira que eles tenham seus dados tão facilmente, basta ajustar uma simples configuração. Abra as configurações do Edge e clique em “Configurações avançadas” para desativar a opção “Filtro SmartScreen” lá no fim da página.

3. Ative as extensões de arquivo

Algo que geralmente acontece com várias versões do Windows, é que ele não mostra as extensões de arquivo por padrão. Ou seja, só de olhar não dá para saber se um arquivo é um pdf, um jpg ou um exe que até pode danificar seu PC.
Felizmente, é bem simples de mudar essa configuração no Windows 10. Clique no campo de pesquisa da barra de tarefas e digite “Extensões”. Abra a janela “Mostrar ou ocultar extensões de arquivos” e desative a opção “Ocultar as extensões dos arquivos conhecidos” e isso deve resolver o problema.

4. Não deixe os outros usarem seu Wi-Fi

segurança no Windows 10Acredite ou não, o Windows 10 pode permitir que isso aconteça sem problemas. O recurso Wi-Fi Sense serve para que você possa compartilhar sua rede com amigos e pessoas conhecidas, mas ele pode ser explorado de forma maliciosa por outras pessoas também.
Para impedir que outros usuários tenham acesso ao seu Wi-Fi ou sua senha, você deve ir em suas configurações (estão no Menu Iniciar) e selecionar a opção “Rede & Internet”. Várias opções devem aparecer, mas você tem que escolher a “Gerenciar configurações de Wi-Fi”.
Agora é só desabilitar as opções do “Sensor de Wi-Fi” para ter certeza de que sua rede de internet estará completamente segura.

5. Decida quando atualizações serão instaladas

Por padrão, o Windows 10 baixa e atualiza o sistema na hora mais oportuna que encontrar, mas isso acaba deixando as atualizações passando despercebidas pelos usuários. O grande problema disso é que se uma dessas atualizações tiver algo que possa provocar problemas no sistema (algo que já aconteceu antes no Windows 10), você não poderá fazer nada para consertá-lo até que a Microsoft resolva o ocorrido.
É lógico que não há meio de saber logo de cara se uma atualização será problemática ou não, mas você pode simplesmente conferir na internet se outros usuários tiveram problemas antes de permitir que ela seja instalada no seu PC. Para ter maior controle sob suas atualizações, basta ir nas configurações do Windows 10 e selecionar a opção “Atualização e segurança”.
Na aba “Windows Update”, clique em “opções avançadas”e selecione “Adiar atualizações” e “Avisar antes de agendar reinicialização” nas novas opções que aparecerem.

6. Customize suas notificações

Para ter mais controle sobre que notificações você receberá do sistema, basta ir nas configurações do Windows 10 e selecionar a opção “Sistema”. Clique na aba “Notificações e ações”e você poderá customizar que apps e programas te notificarão sobre novidades e atualizações.

7. Ative a restauração do sistema

ajustes do windows 10Se você já usou qualquer outra versão do Windows, deve conhecer bem a antiga opção de restauração do sistema, que ajudava os usuários a recuperarem o sistema caso algum problema grave acontecesse. Por algum motivo, a Microsoft decidiu desativar este recurso por padrão no Windows 10.
A boa notícia é que ele pode ser ativado manualmente de forma bem fácil. Aperte a tecla do Windows e a tecla X ao mesmo tempo e uma pequena janela cheia de opções deverá aparecer. Selecione “Sistema” e clique em “Proteção de sistema” na nova janela.
Clique em “Configurar” e ative a opção “Proteção do sistema” para que seu computador tenha a velha restauração de volta!

8. Personalize seu Menu Iniciar

Agora que o Menu Iniciar está de volta no Windows 10, nada melhor do que poder personalizá-lo da maneira que você preferir. As vantagens disso é que você poderá deixar todos os aplicativos e programas que mais usa à sua disposição de forma bem mais rápida e simples de encontrar.
Você pode tirar qualquer quadro da parte direita com um clique direito do mouse e selecionando a opção “Desafixar do início”, por exemplo. Já para colocar novos quadros ali, basta clicar no app ou programa que quiser e selecionar “Fixar no início. Na parte esquerda, você já terá a facilidade de ver os programas mais usados por padrão, então não será necessário fazer alterações.
Se quiser aumentar a parte direita do menu, basta deixar o mouse próximo das laterais para puxá-las para o lado da forma que achar melhor para o seu gosto pessoal.
Boas dicas, não é mesmo? Se você simplesmente preferir voltar para sua versão antiga do Windows, também é possível, como já ensinamos anteriormente em outro artigo. Depois nos diga nos comentários se estas novas configurações melhoraram sua experiência com o Windows 10!

Windows 10: evite problemas e escolha como as atualizações são instaladas

Windows 10: evite problemas e escolha como as atualizações são instaladas

O Windows 10 já está presente em mais de 75 milhões de dispositivos em todo o mundo. A adoção do novo sistema operacional tem caminhado a passos largos, e a Microsoft, claro, certamente está adorando.
O novo SO trouxe novidades e melhorias extremamente bem vindas, além de algumas polêmicas e problemas.
A Microsoft, além disso, deu um jeito de forçar as atualizações (via Windows Update) para todos os usuários. No Windows 10, não é possível ignorar os updates, embora os usuários da versão Pro possam adiar um pouco sua instalação.
Windows 10
Já no caso da versão Home, tudo é muito mais rápido e automático. Mas felizmente existe uma maneira de controlarmos pelo menos quando as atualizações devem ser instaladas, após o download.
É interessante ressaltarmos que um dos motivos para a Microsoft ter tomado tal decisão (devidamente mencionada nos termos da licença do Windows 10) foi aumentar a segurança dos usuários, forçando assim, por exemplo, a aplicação de correções e pacotes de segurança. Sem falar, é claro, que assim a empresa também reduz a fragmentação de sua plataforma, fazendo com que todos rodem as mesmas versões.
As instalações das atualizações baixadas podem causar problemas, entretanto. Você pode ter seu PC reiniciado sem que aquele documento importante no qual estava trabalhando tenha sido salvo.
Que tal, então, escolher quando o PC deve reiniciar para concluir a instalação dos updates?
1) No menu “Iniciar”, acesse a opção “Configurações”:
Windows 10 - Iniciar
2) No aplicativo de configurações, acesse o grupo de opções “Atualização e segurança”:
Windows 10 - Configurações
3) Na próxima tela, clique em “Windows Update”, à esquerda, e utilize o link “Opções avançadas”, à direita:
Windows 10 - Configurações
4) Na tela seguinte, você perceberá que o Windows está configurado para instalar as atualizações automaticamente. O computador, desta forma, será reiniciado automaticamente quando você não o estiver usando.
Vamos alterar esta configuração. Mude para “Avisar antes de agendar reinicialização”, conforme imagem abaixo:
Windows 10 - Configurações
Pronto, a partir de agora você será notificado assim que uma atualização for baixada e estiver pronta para ser instalada. O Windows 10 irá também sugerir uma data e um horário, mas você pode alterar estas informações, de acordo com sua agenda e disponibilidade.
À partir daí, o sistema operacional também irá lhe avisar conforme for chegando o horário agendado. Uma janela é exibida nestas ocasiões, a qual possui inclusive um botão para o reagendamento, caso necessário:
Windows 10 - Configurações
Fácil, não? Portanto, assuma o controle, e até a próxima!

Here’s What’s Different About Windows 10 for Windows 7 Users

Here’s What’s Different About Windows 10 for Windows 7 Users

Unlike Windows 8, Windows 10 actually feels designed for a PC with a keyboard and mouse. Windows 7 users will be much more at home with Windows 10, but there are still some big changes.
If you’re a Windows 7 user, you might be surprised to see just how much has changed after you upgrade. Thankfully, there are no weird hot corners to learn.

Microsoft Account Integration

HTG Explains: Microsoft Accounts vs. Local Accounts in Windows 8
Windows 8 is more integrated with Microsoft’s services than ever. When you create a user account on your computer, you’ll... [Read Article]
When you set up Windows 10, the first thing you’ll be asked is whether you want to log into your Windows system with a Microsoft account. This is similar to logging into a Mac or iPhone with an Apple account, or a Chromebook or Android device with a Google account.
If you log in with a Microsoft account, many desktop settings (including your wallpaper) will sync between your PCs. You’ll be automatically logged into Microsoft services like the OneDrive client integrated into Windows. A Microsoft account is mandatory to use some of the new features, like the Windows Store.
If you don’t want to use a Microsoft account, that’s also fine — there’s a small little link that allows you to set up a traditional, local Windows account. You can easily convert it to a Microsoft account later, if you like.

The New Start Menu

The Start menu looks very different from how it did on Windows 7. The live tiles found on Windows 8’s Start screen make a return here. But, don’t worry — you can remove all the live tiles if you don’t like them. Just right-click them and remove them. The Start menu looks a bit different, but it has all the usual features you’d expect — a list of all your installed applications as well as power options for shutting down or restarting your PC. Move your mouse to any edge of the Start menu and you’ll be able to resize it.

Universal Apps and the Windows Store

Many of the apps that come with Windows 10 are “universal apps,” which are the successor to Windows 8’s “Metro apps” or “Store apps.” Unlike on Windows 8, these apps actually run in windows on the desktop, so you may actually be interested in using them.
To get more of these apps, you’ll need to open the Store app included with Windows and download them from the Windows Store. There’s no way to “sideload” these types of apps by downloading them from the Internet, although you’re free to avoid them entirely and install traditional Windows desktop applications from the web. You can also mix and match traditional Windows desktop applications and new apps from the Store. They’ll all run in windows on your desktop.

Settings App vs. Control Panel

Everything You Need to Know About Refreshing and Resetting Your Windows 8 or 10 PC
Windows users regularly reinstall Windows (or restore from a recovery partition) to fix system problems. Windows 8 or 10 include easier-to-use... [Read Article]
The Settings option in the Start menu takes you straight to the new Settings app, which is evolved from the PC Settings app on Windows 8. This is designed to be a more user-friendly way to configure your computer.
However, it still doesn’t contain every setting. The old Windows Control Panel is still included. Some older settings may only be available in the Control Panel, while some newer settings may only be available in the Settings app. To quickly access the Control Panel and other advanced options, you can right-click the Start button or press Windows Key + X. This menu is a useful holdover from Windows 8.
The Refresh and Reset options also make the leap from Windows 8 to 10. These allow you to quickly get your computer back to a like-new state without having to actually reinstall Windows.
You won’t be able to disable automatic Windows updates on Windows 10 Home systems. You’ll need Windows 10 Professional to defer updates.

Cortana and Task View on the Taskbar

The Windows taskbar has changed a bit. In Windows 8, Microsoft removed the Start button from the taskbar and you only saw icons for your programs here. In Windows 10, the Start button isn’t just back — there’s a “Search the web and Windows” field that launches Microsoft’s Cortana assistant and a Task View button that provides an overview of all your open windows and virtual desktop features.
Both of these features are enabled by default. If you’d like to disable them, you can just right-click the taskbar and choose to hide the Search and Task View options.

Edge Replaces Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is no longer the default browser, although it’s still available for businesses that still need access to its older rendering engine. In its place is a modern browser named Edge. Microsoft’s Edge browser should be more standards-compliant and perform better. It also no longer supports ActiveX controls, so all those old Internet Explorer toolbars and browser plug-ins will no longer function. If you’ve been using Internet Explorer, this is the browser you’ll be using instead. If you’re using Chrome or Firefox, you can install that and continue browsing normally.

Desktop and Security Improvements

Many other desktop improvements from Windows 8 are still here, but you won’t have seen them if you’ve been using Windows 7. The Task Manager was given an upgrade, so it’s easier to see what’s using your system resources and even manage startup programs without third-party software. Windows Explorer was renamed File Explorer and now has a ribbon — even if you don’t like the ribbon, File Explorer offers many useful features. For example, the file-copying-and-moving dialog window is much improved and Windows can mount ISO disc image files without third-party software.
There are also many security improvements from Windows 8. Windows 10 includes Windows Defender by default — Windows Defender is just a renamed version of Microsoft Security Essentials, so all Windows systems have a baseline level of antivirus protection. SmartScreen is a reputation system that tries to block harmful and unknown file downloads from harming your computer.
10 Awesome Improvements For Desktop Users in Windows 8
It’s easy to focus on how Windows 8’s new interface doesn’t feel at home on a traditional desktop PC or... [Read Article]
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These are far from the only improvements found in Windows 10. For example, you’ll find a notification center and redesigned power, network, and sound icons in the system tray. Windows 10 includes Game DVR functionality for recording and streaming PC games. Microsoft has made many low-level tweaks that make Windows use less disk space, boot faster, and better protected against attacks.
Despite all the changes, Windows 10 is much easier to get to grips with than Windows 8 was. It’s based on the familiar desktop interface, complete with a start menu and desktop windows. Windows 10 does have a “Tablet mode,” but you have to enable that manually — or have it automatically enabled when using tablet hardware. You aren’t forced into tablet mode on typical PCs.

sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

Shrinking the Transaction Log

SQL Server 2008 R2

If you know that a transaction log file contains unused space that you will not be needing, you can reclaim the excess space by reducing the size of the transaction log. This process is known as shrinking the log file.
Shrinking can occur only while the database is online and, also, while at least one virtual log file is free. In some cases, shrinking the log may not be possible until after the next log truncation.
Typically, truncation occurs automatically under the simple recovery model when database is backed up and under the full recovery model when the transaction log is backed up. However, truncation can be delayed by a number of factors. For more information, see Factors That Can Delay Log Truncation.
To shrink a log file (without shrinking database files)
To monitor log-file shrink events
To monitor log space
Shrinking database and log files can be set to occur automatically. However, we recommend against automatic shrinking, and the autoshrink database property is set to FALSE by default. If autoshrink is set to TRUE, automatic shrinking reduces the size of a file only when more than 25 percent of its space is unused. The file is shrunk either to the size at which only 25 percent of the file is unused space or to the original size of the file, whichever is larger. For information about changing the setting of the autoshrink property, see How to: View or Change the Properties of a Database (SQL Server Management Studio)—use the Auto Shrink property on the Options page—or ALTER DATABASE SET Options (Transact-SQL)—use the AUTO_SHRINK option.

Shrinking the transaction log reduces its physical size by removing one or more inactive virtual log files. The unit of the size reduction is always the virtual log file. For example, if you have a 600 megabyte (MB) log file that has been divided into six 100 MB virtual logs, the size of the log file can only be reduced in 100 MB increments. The file size can be reduced to sizes such as 500 MB or 400 MB, but the file cannot be reduced to sizes such as 433 MB or 525 MB. A virtual log file that holds any active log records, that is, an active virtual log file, is part of the logical log, and it cannot be removed. For more information, see Transaction Log Physical Architecture.
The Database Engine chooses the size of the virtual log file dynamically when log files are created or extended. For more information, see Transaction Log Physical Architecture.
For a log file, the current size is the same as the total size of the pages that are used by the virtual log files. Note, however, that pages are not used by the log files. Virtual log files that hold any part of the logical log cannot be freed. If all the virtual log files in a log file hold parts of the logical log, the file cannot be shrunk. Shrinking is not possible until after log truncation marks one or more of the virtual log files as inactive.
A shrink-file operation can remove only inactive virtual log files. If no target size is specified, a shrink-file operation removes only the inactive virtual log files beyond the last active virtual log file in the file. If a target size is specified, a given shrink-file operation removes only enough inactive virtual log files to approach but not exceed the target size. After shrinking, the log file is typically somewhat larger than the target size, and it will never be smaller. The virtual log files make it difficult to predict how much the log file will actually shrink.
When any file is shrunk, the space freed must come from the end of the file. When a transaction log file is shrunk, enough virtual log files from the end of the log file are freed to reduce the log to the size requested by the user. The target_size specified by the user is rounded to the next highest virtual log file boundary. For example, if a user specifies a target_size of 325 MB for our sample 600 MB file that contains six 100 MB virtual log files, the last two virtual log files are removed and the new file size is 400 MB.
A DBCC SHRINKDATABASE or DBCC SHRINKFILE operation immediately tries to shrink the physical log file to the requested size:
  • If no part of the logical log in the virtual log files extends beyond the target_size mark, the virtual log files that come after the target_size mark are freed and the successful DBCC statement is completed with no messages.
If part of the logical log in the virtual logs does extend beyond the target_size mark, the SQL Server Database Engine frees as much space as possible and issues an informational message. The message tells you what actions you have to perform to remove the logical log from the virtual logs at the end of the file. After you perform this action, you can then reissue the DBCC statement to free the remaining space.
For example, assume that a 600 MB log file that contains six virtual log files has a logical log that starts in virtual log 3 and ends in virtual log 4 when you run a DBCC SHRINKFILE statement with a target_size of 275 MB, which is three-quarters of the way into virtual log 3:
Log file with 6 virtual log files before shrinkingVirtual log files 5 and 6 are freed immediately, because they do not contain part of the logical log. However, to meet the specified target_size, virtual log file 4 should also be freed, but it cannot because it holds the end portion of the logical log. After freeing virtual log files 5 and 6, the Database Engine fills the remaining part of virtual log file 4 with dummy records. This forces the end of the log file to the end of virtual log file 1. In most systems, all transactions starting in virtual log file 4 will be committed within seconds. This means that the entire active portion of the log is moved to virtual log file 1. The log file now looks similar to this:
Log file is reduced to 4 virtual filesThe DBCC SHRINKFILE statement also issues an informational message that states that it could not free all the space requested, and that you can run a BACKUP LOG statement to free the remaining space. After the active portion of the log moves to virtual log file 1, a BACKUP LOG statement truncates the entire logical log that is in virtual log file 4:
Log file results after truncating the logBecause virtual log file 4 no longer holds any portion of the logical log, you can now run the same DBCC SHRINKFILE statement with a target_size of 275 MB. Virtual log file 4 is then freed and the size of the physical log file is reduced to the size you requested.
Certain factors, such as a long-running transaction, can keep virtual log files active for an extended period. This can restrict log shrinkage or even prevent the log from shrinking at all. For more information, see Factors That Can Delay Log Truncation.